The BIBLE is God’s word—holy, inspired, inerrant, and the final authority for faith and practice.

(PS 119; JN 10:35; 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17; HEB 4:12; 2 PE 1:20-21)

GOD is one, holy, good, unchanging, and eternally existent in three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

(GE 1:1; DEUT 6:4; IS 45:5; MAL 3:6; MT 28:18-19; JN 10:30, 17:22; 1 COR 8:4; EPH 4:6)



is the eternally begotten, not made, Son of God. He is fully God and fully man. By his perfect obedience and sacrifice on the cross, He became the only Savior of the world for all who would believe in Him as Lord and Savior.

(IS 9:6-7, 53:4-12; MT 12:21; MK 10:45; LK 1:30-35, 9:20; JN 1:1-14, 1:18, 3:16-17, 11:25, 14:6; 2 COR 5:18-21; GA 4:4; COL 1:15-19; 1 TIMOTHY 2:3-6; 2 TIMOTHY 1:10; HEB 4:15; 1 PE 2:24, 3:18)



is the third person of the triune God. He is the one who brings forth and life, and spiritual rebirth. Man is utterly dependent upon the Spirit for growth in holiness.

(JN 3:3-8, 16:12-14; I COR 12:3-30; GA 5:16-26; EPH 4:3-16, 5:18)



is created in the image of God as either male or female. As created beings in His image, we are all subject to the rule and reign of our Creator. Being created in the image of God, every person has dignity, worth, and is distinguished from the rest of the created order.

(GE 1:27, 2:16-17, 3:1-24; PS 51:5; ACTS 2:38; RM 3:12, 3:23, 5:1-2, 6:23, 10:9-10, 11:29; EPH 2:1-3, 2:8-10; COL 3:23-24)

Our guests vary greatly in profession, denomination and political leanings.

We at Invested with Purpose feel that the message is more important than the label.

To become a guest on the show, please use the contact form below and be sure to include a subject matter you would like to discuss as well as any links to previous content you have contributed to.


If you feel that your values align with that of our show, we would love to hear from you. Do you have a ministry that is doing great works for the Kingdom of God? Are you a Christian business owner with a unique perspective? Or maybe you are an advocate for Children and Families that needs to reach a broader audience to share an important message. If so, please contact us.